Gone are the days when people lived in a favorable environment, moved a lot on their feet, ate natural food, breathed clean and fresh air, went to bed on time and woke up early. Isn't it true that today's way of life is completely different from this one? Which is the main cause of various diseases and anomalies, including the cause of poor potency. However, we eat harmful and often fatty foods every day, physical activity is usually minimal (home-work-home) and all movements are usually by car or subway, and we also breathe dirty air and constantly experience various stresses.
Today, it is difficult to find a man who does not think about how to increase potency. Even those who do not experience any problems in pastels understand that in order to maintain their sexual capabilities at a high level, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. This article will tell you how to keep your intimate possibilities as much as possible and how to return them to the top if they have started to decrease.

Regular sex life
Studies show that sexual intercourse should be at least once a week. Exceeding this period is fraught with a decrease in the production of male sex hormone. Therefore, if it is not possible to use the classic method, resort to masturbation. Yes, no matter what different moralists or people around you say about this method of gratification, it is an effective means of maintaining reproductive function. However, it should be noted that excessive diligence can also lead to negative consequences (for example, you can rub your skinny penis): 2-3 sexual intercourses per week are considered normal.
Restful sleep
Lack of sleep is one of the main reasons for the excess of stress hormones in the body and as a result of the weakening of sexual function. It is often enough to normalize sleep so that sexual desire returns to youthful levels. For an adult 6-8 hours of sleep are enough, but keep in mind that for each of us the duration of sleep is individual, so if you sleep 8 hours and feel "broken", try to reduce your sleep time to 7, 5 hoursand look at the changes.
No smoking
Various substances included in tobacco smoke have an extremely negative effect on many functions, including the sexual sphere. One of the worst enemies of potency contained in cigarette smoke is nicotine.
Nicotine is the strongest stimulant that causes spasms in various organs: the heart artery, lungs, internal organs, eyes, legs, arms and of course its negative effect affects the genitals, when swallowing nicotine (not to be confused with nicotinic acid! ) constricts blood vessels, becauseis a powerful vasoconstrictor and therefore all smokers know its effect on blood vessels, because it is difficult not to notice it! In addition, over time, nicotine can damage the walls of blood vessels, which ultimately leads to a large number of different diseases. One of the simple examples, if you wake up in the morning, observe an erection of the penis, pay attention to what will happen to it after 2-3 sucks?! Often, just a few weeks after quitting, men experience a noticeable surge of strength, including in sexual intercourse.
Eat moderate and healthier foods
You should not starve, but if you overeat (especially with harmful and fatty foods), it will upset your hormonal balance and lead to a decrease in the production of male sex hormones, especially testosterone, while the level of so-called female hormones, estradioland prolactin are elevated. Continuing in the same spirit, you will begin to accumulate fat, which will further accelerate the process of reducing your own testosterone production and increase the level of estradiol and prolactin in the body, while potency will continue to decline. So try to stick to a healthy diet and if you want to eat something harmful and fatty, it is better to do it in the morning.
Lead an active lifestyle
It would be even better to do sports, giving preference to those species that stimulate blood circulation, especially in the perineum. The best option would be a combination of strength and aerobic exercise. Healthy heart and blood vessels almost always = good potency. To do this, you do not need to go to the gym, just jogging in the park, swimming in the pool, active dog walks, cycling, rollerblading, skating and other active ways to spend time and relax.
Do not abuse alcohol
As banal as it sounds, but statistics show that in all regions where the ban has been introduced, the birth rate automatically increases. However, any woman can confirm this without any statistics, because the fairer sex knows that those who drink alcohol in large quantities, as a rule, are not capable of much in bed. At the same time, drinking a glass of wine or other alcohol, in moderation, can have a positive effect on sexual intercourse, especially if the cause of poor potency is a psychological factor.
Frequent consumption of beer, especially in large quantities, increases the level of estradiol in the body of men, which in turn adversely affects potency!
Reduce stress
Constant anxiety and psychological stress have an incredibly detrimental effect not only on the erection, but also on the whole body, which undoubtedly affects the quality of life. Under stress, the mood worsens, apathy occurs, blood pressure rises, the pulse deviates and the whole body begins to stagger. Sexual desire is minimized, not only in the workplace, but also your partner and you will be dissatisfied with your performance, which further increases the state of stress.
Therefore, if you have started to notice the above symptoms behind your back, you need to find a way and reduce the impact of stress and psychological stress. Alternatively, practicing all kinds of martial arts allows you to shed bad energy and feel more "brutal" and strong, which will undoubtedly have a good effect on your potency.
Do Kegel exercises
The most effective way to increase potency. In fact, these exercises involve some form of rhythmic contraction of the pelvic floor muscles.
Eat vegetable oil
It is best to alternate sunflower, olive, flaxseed. It is enough to take one tablespoon of one of these oils several times a day to stimulate testosterone production. And you don't need to drink it, because it's much tastier and healthier to add it to a vegetable salad instead of mayonnaise!
Eat sprouted beans
You can use all kinds of grains, but high-protein grains, such as legumes, are most effective at increasing potency. To notice the effect, it is enough to eat 50 g of sprouted beans a day.
Use ginseng to increase potency
Ginseng is a plant with many healing properties. Its root contains a huge amount of substances necessary for a man and especially useful for men.
Very often ginseng is grown artificially, it is desirable to use a plant that has reached 5-7 years of age, becauseAt this time, the root has time to accumulate most of the healing substances in itself.
Ideally, you should prepare a tincture of ginseng root yourself, as the pharmacy version sometimes shows very low effectiveness. If you do not want to make a tincture, you can brew ginseng tea and consume 1 tablespoon 30-40 minutes before eating to prepare ginseng tea, grind the dried root powder, pour boiling water in a ratio of 1 to 10 andlet it boil.
Eat oysters
This product is cult in France and everyone knows the reputation of the men who inhabit this country. Maybe the reason for this is their love for oysters. The difficulty is that oysters should only be fresh: ice cream is not that.
Eat chocolate
Despite the fact that chocolate is sweet, small amounts (about 1/3 of a bar per day) have a positive effect on sexual function. It is best to use dark chocolate, which can be replaced with very bitter and unsweetened cocoa.
Do not abuse stimulant drinks
This applies to all beverages that contain large amounts of caffeine, such as tea, coffee, energy drinks and pre-workout supplements. A small amount of them will only be beneficial, for example, it is safe to drink 3 cups of coffee a day, but abuse can have the opposite effect. The only exception is green tea, which can be drunk in unlimited quantities.
Take vitamin E.
No other vitamin has such an impressive effect on a man's sexual activity. It is also one of the best "medicines" against old age.
Eat nuts and cheese
This applies not only to nuts, but also to various seeds. All these products have a positive effect on the work of the hormonal system and, accordingly, on potency. Only one condition: the seeds and nuts must be fresh: salted and fried are not suitable. Cheese, in turn, promotes the production of endorphins. As statistics show, cheese lovers have sex more often than those who ignore this product.
Perform curing procedures
It is best to take a contrast shower regularly, making sure that not only the upper or lower, but also the middle part of the body is hardened. Just do not overdo it and do not overcool these places.
Focus on seafood in your diet
Traditionally, marine animals are meant, but we should not neglect marine plants, which are extremely useful for both the intimate sphere and health in general.
Don't get carried away with sweets
We are talking not only about sugar, but also about all confectionery, the passion for which increases the likelihood of various diseases, reduces immunity, sexual activity and contributes to the accumulation of fat and the development of depression.
Summarizing the above, it can be argued that a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, good sleep and other joys can significantly increase not only potency but also quality of life, without the use of any pharmaceuticals. Of course, there may not be 20 ways, but hundreds and thousands, but we think that the main factors have become clear to you after reading the article. Use these recommendations and you will soon be able to reap the sweet fruits of love.