Decreased potency is a serious problem for the man and his partner. Sex disorders can lead to depression and self-doubt, loss of joy in life, deterioration of all organs and body systems, which manifests itself in various diseases.

It is best to choose methods to treat such a condition with the help of a specialist, as it is safer and more effective. But most often men want to restore the body's work on their own, using old recipes. Therefore, let's see how to increase potency with folk remedies at home.
Why potency decreases
Today, men, most often with erectile dysfunction, decreased libido and sperm quality, face after 40 years, a little less often at a young age. Experts call the most common factors for reducing potency:
- improper lifestyle, including inactivity, smoking and alcohol, unbalanced diet;
- psychological conditions, such as stress and fatigue, depression, self-doubt;
- harmful and harmful working conditions, excessive stress on the body;
- acute and chronic diseases, as well as taking certain medications.
Traditional healers are able to offer many options on how to increase potency at home. The most commonly used tools are:
- decoctions and teas;
- tinctures on alcohol, vodka, oil, water;
- addition to the daily diet as food.
The choice of drug to restore a good erection and libido is best done together with a specialist after the examination. This will allow you to understand the cause of the disorder in a timely manner, eliminate it, if possible, and take the necessary measures to restore health. Self-medication can lead to complications and deterioration of a person's condition, as well as irreversible changes in tissues, which threatens impotence and infertility.
In the first place among the folk recipes on how to increase potency at home, there are always foods. They are also called aphrodisiacs and are recommended to be included in the diet as a prevention of various health problems.

Among the most common, nutritionists and traditional healers, especially note the following:
- Mussels, seaweed, low-fat varieties of sea fish and all other seafood. They contain a lot of selenium, zinc and other minerals, amino acids and vitamins that a man needs for a good erection, desire for intimacy and the opportunity for high quality sex.
- Beekeeping products. Honey, propolis, royal jelly, bee bread - all this, if used properly, can quickly increase the tone and increase potency at home. Also, these funds increase endurance, have a positive effect on immunity, libido, fertility, normalize blood circulation and metabolic processes. Just remember that bee products are strong allergens. They must be applied very carefully.
- Dairy products. In kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, cream, milk, many useful substances. They are necessary not only for potency, but also for the health of the whole organism: the work of the cardiovascular, nervous, genitourinary, immune, endocrine systems. It is advisable to include these foods in your daily diet unprocessed.
- Onions and garlic. These products have a powerful positive effect on the entire male body, strengthening the immune system, normalizing the functioning of all organs and systems. One or two cloves of garlic and a little cod a day are enough to make them healthier and stronger.
- Animal products, including lean meat, chicken and quail eggs. Such food should be present in the diet of a real man every day, as it provides not only satiety and energy, but also many nutrients necessary for good health and potency.
- Fresh herbs, herbs, vegetables, fruits, berries. These products contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals, sugars, amino acids and other nutrients that are easily absorbed and help restore potency and desire for intimacy.
- Nuts and dried fruits. These products help to quickly increase male potency at home, restore vitality and strength, improve overall health and mood due to its nutrient-rich composition.
For maximum benefits, try eating small meals 4-5 times a day. Completely give up alcohol, soda, fast food, sausages and smoked meats, reduce the consumption of muffins, pastries, fatty and fried, salty foods. Exclude from the diet any food containing harmful additives: preservatives, dyes, flavors.
How to increase potency at home using herbs
Of course, to increase potency in men at home quickly and for a long time, traditional healers recommend the use of medicinal plants.

The most powerful and effective of them are:
- Parsley, dill and celery. They are used both fresh as part of various dishes, and alone, and as tinctures. The leaves, rhizomes and seeds are used to prepare medicines for potency.
- Ginseng. It is possible to increase potency in men with folk remedies that include this plant, at any age. Ginseng tinctures can tone and strengthen the immune system, as well as solve many male problems.
- Mint and lemon balm. These plants are used as teas and teas. They have a calming effect and are especially good when the reduction in potency is caused by stress, unfavorable atmosphere at home and psychological problems.
- St. John's wort, parsnips, hops, rose radiola, thyme, hawthorn, clover, nettle, willow and some other herbs. Plants such as tincture or decoction help to improve blood circulation, eliminate stagnant processes in the pelvis, which often lead to potency disorders. Such folk recipes are especially useful for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, suffer from dysfunction of the hormonal and cardiovascular systems.
- Green and black tea. It seems that these products are on our table every day. But only their correct choice (tea should be of high quality and without additives), and when consumed in moderation (not more than 4-5 cups a day), this product will have a positive effect on potency. Natural coffee is also useful, but you can drink no more than 1-2 small cups a day, if there are no contraindications.
- Rhizomes of ginger and calamus. Like ginseng, these plants have a tonic and restorative effect on men's health, normalize blood circulation and metabolic processes, stimulate increased libido, increase sensitivity during sex and improve the quality and quantity of sperm.
Remember that medicinal plants can have a powerful effect on the male body, comparable in strength to the use of serious drugs. At the same time, many prescriptions give a positive effect only after a few weeks of regular use of the drug.
And in the case of significant violations of potency, decoctions, teas and tinctures of plants are best used only as part of a complex therapy.
Other folk ways to increase potency
If you are wondering how to increase potency at home, look for videos with folk recipes on the Internet, but remember, here it is better not to rely on your assumptions about the causes of disorders and how to treat them, and go to the doctor.

Especially if the decrease in potency is accompanied by other disturbing symptoms: soreness, rashes and wounds on the genitals, problems with urination and ejaculation.
Traditional healers recommend using not only medicinal plants, but also animal products to restore potency. For example, antler extract, beaver stream, badger fat are very popular for permanent and long-lasting erections, increase libido and fertility.
There are also other ways to increase male potency at home:
- Contrasting shower and other hardening procedures. These techniques, if performed correctly, will normalize blood circulation and eliminate stagnant processes, give strength and good mood, increase endurance and strengthen immunity.
- Special physical exercises. This measure also aims to improve overall health, including improving metabolism and blood circulation.
Sometimes the decrease in potency is caused by irregular sex, lack of previous interest in a partner or frequent change of women in a man's life. In this case, it is necessary to normalize sex life as soon as possible, after which in a few days or weeks the male strength will be restored.
Remember that only an integrated approach to solving the problem will help increase potency at home using folk methods. Leading a habitual lifestyle, improper diet, bad habits - all this will quickly reduce the result of using old recipes to zero.
But regular use of the chosen drug will help to achieve good results to improve the health of men, if it is chosen correctly and applied correctly.